Strahl, a global leader in the production of grain dryers, with thousands of units manufactured and a solid presence in dozens of markets worldwide, entrusted Rend with developing the aesthetics of a mobile dryer in its range.
Concept Design
The creative process led to the definition of two distinct stylistic proposals.
• First proposal: a sober and essential design, characterized by clean lines and rounded corners. The color combination reflects the institutional colors of Strahl's mobile dryers, with a green-and-white pairing that conveys reliability and tradition.
• Second proposal: a bolder and more modern solution, featuring sharper and more defined shapes. The surfaces create a sense of movement and interplay of light, giving the product greater dynamism. The color palette also breaks away from tradition, introducing a striking combination of green and black.
Both solutions were developed while respecting the dimensions and layout of the heat unit, ensuring optimal integration with the dryer’s architecture.
Aesthetic Definition
The client chose the second aesthetic proposal, attracted by its stronger character and the dynamic effect of the surfaces.
Following this decision, Rend initiated an optimization phase aimed at making the design not only visually appealing but also more efficient from a production standpoint.
A series of targeted interventions were implemented to:
• Simplify the sheet metal manufacturing process
• Facilitate the assembly of aesthetic covers
• Refine the color selection by introducing sand color instead of green, giving the product an even more sophisticated and distinctive look.
The final result is a design that combines elegance and robustness, enhancing not only the aesthetic appeal of the heat unit but also its functionality and ease of production and assembly.