Rend design

The essence of our design is industrial

The design of an object defines its style, identifies its shape, makes products unique and recognizable.
Industrialization translates style into feasible and practical solutions.
Our goal is to accompany our clients on a path that leads to the final realization of a product, by enhancing the aesthetics of the product while keeping it functional.

Developing the aesthetics of something means breathing life into a product that does not yet exist and giving a new life to a product that already exists.

A stylistic journey

From the creation of a new concept of style to the restyling of existing products, together with the client we embark on a stylistic journey that leads to finding solutions of high aesthetic value and up to date with the market trends to problems of usability, ergonomics, and shape.
Research and analysis of competitors, brainstorming, and ergonomics studies make it possible to understand the context and identify the product's potential for innovation.
Sketch, 3D modeling, and rendering translate the stage of analysis into ideation, developing a range of design proposals that allow the client to choose the solution that most reflects the company's identity, tastes, and values.

From an idea to its industrialization

Our goal is to bring to life solutions that achieve both product aesthetics and functionality: what is theoretical becomes realizable.

A feasibility analysis allows us to understand the practicability of the project in terms of costs, processes, and main features.

The product industrialization process is the result of the synergy between design and product development, with the aim of obtaining a defined and industrialized project. At this stage, the functional and technical aspects of the product are studied and designed with the help of an executive model of all components, in order to determine the final aesthetic appearance.

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